Friday, October 19, 2012

Last Night's Dream

Last night I dreamt that Obama came to our house to visit and talk about his positions.  I am not going to affiliate myself with any group, organization, religion or other social demographic.  We were cordial and he sat in our living room and talked about kids and Michelle and asked about ours.  He talked about his desire to help and in his charismatic way gave us his vision for the future. We asked questions and challenged him on certain topics from small business to taxes to the best ways to help those who are less fortunate.
As he was leaving, my husband and I both reached out and shook his hand and said goodbye.  After he was gone, Jesus stood there crying asking me why I didn’t defend Him.  How could I politely discuss money and business without defending life.
You see, it doesn’t really matter if Obama’s policies would in fact help this country.  It doesn’t matter what we believe about Obamacare.  It becomes completely irrelevant whether or not we agree with his political stance or support his type of government.  He adamantly chooses to continue to kill the unborn and destroy the lives of women.
I am not famous.  I am not rich.  I am a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, a friend just like many of you.  It doesn’t matter whether you stand with the donkeys or the elephants, our country is murdering its children and destroying millions of women’s lives in the process.
I support life, yes of course the life of the unborn children who cannot defend themselves.  But I also support life, the other victims of Choice, the mothers.  When we are afraid, we seek someone to trust and many of these young women are scared and so they trust the grown-ups around them.  They trust the government and the kind lady at the clinic.  They believe the lie that tomorrow all of this will go away and no one will have to know.
Abortion destroys two lives.  The baby never gets to start its life and the mother’s choice dictates the rest of hers.  If we legalized murder, would that make it acceptable to our soul?  Would we be able to live with ourselves?  If that were true, then why do soldiers who return from war struggle with PTSD?  The horrors of murder destroy their mind and their soul.  Killing, no matter how it is said to be acceptable never will be and those who commit this crime will pay for it within themselves.  It may not be a crime against our laws to murder your child within you, but it is and always will be a crime against humanity, against life and against the One who created life.
I am pro life because I care about women.  I have so many friends who have come to me to share their grief, their pain and the internal destruction caused by their abortions that happened 5-10—20 years ago.  How is this the best choice for them?  A 20 year prison sentence does not sound like we care for our women. 
In this dream, I never defended women or the unborn.  I civilly discussed worldly issues with this candidate, but not once did I even challenge him on his concern for women or accuse him of upholding our choice to murder our children.  Forgive me, Jesus for my silence.  Even though it was only my dream, I awoke wondering how many other times I’ve remained silent when I should have spoken up. 
Regardless of who takes office, God is still on the throne and it is His policies that I concern myself with the most.  If I seek first His kingdom and follow first His policies, all other things will be given.  My leader, Jesus is against murder and He is against the destruction of women’s lives through glossy lies and the smoke and mirrors of the media.  If I agree with every other policy of a candidate, but he is against life, then I am against him.  Jesus says we are either with Him or against Him.  Forgive me Lord for ever hesitating about whose side I am on.  I choose life.  I choose women.  I choose Christ. 
Vote life….for all of us.

Monday, June 25, 2012


We have been gone more than we have been home in the past two months.  In that time we also bought a house and will be moving the end of July.  It's been a pretty full few weeks.
I have been taking time to consider my priorities and look for ways to make my spoken priorities match my daily activities!
We can all say what is most important, but would anyone know it by watching our daily lives?
I tend to be too analytical and too introspective, wondering if I'm doing the right things, pleasing the right people, accomplishing enough work, utilizing my gifts, being a good steward, spending enough time with my kids....why do we worry so much about such things?

Remember when summertime seemed to last forever?  We would spend all day outside, in the woods, at the creek, at the pool.  There was an endless supply of sunshine and free time to enjoy it.  Truly, summertime is exactly the same amount of time today as it was in 1978.  Did you know that?  Now that I live in the south, there is MORE sunshine and it starts getting hot technically, it should seem longer, right? What changed?

I did.

Summertime is for slow-paced walks and leisurely talks. Summertime is for late nights in the moonlight and long afternoons in the lake.  Summertime is a time to remember what it feels like to slow down and bask.

How much basking have you gotten in so far this summer?
I stopped considering the vast array of possibilities that lay before me each day and started fretting about the list of have-to-dos that loom.  How much of what I do is urgent and necessary and how much is out of my own need to control results. (not that that ever works anyway.)

Basking in the sun.  ( or even basking in the Son) How about basking in the Son while basking in the sun.  That would be a beautiful way to spend a summer day!

Don't rush through summer.
Don't rush through these weeks, speeding them on past the 4th right to Labor Day weekend and then
wonder what happened to the summer!
I read this recently:

A well-known pastor was once asked what was his most profound regret in life?  “Being in a hurry.” That is what he said.  “Getting to the next thing without fully entering the thing in front of me. I cannot think of a single advantage I’ve ever gained from being in a hurry. But a thousand broken and missed things, tens of thousands, lie in the wake of all the rushing.… Through all that haste I thought I was making up time. It turns out I was throwing it away.”

These next two weeks before my next trip, I want to savor each day.  I will log each day here to share with you my not-to-grownup-more-nostalgic-summertime pass times.  I hope that by sharing I will hold myself accountable to it and perhaps inspire some of you to grab the picnic basket and head out to some favorite location....just to do a little basking.  Would love to hear what you might come up with too!

For today: start dreaming of some crazy plans for tomorrow!  Have a blessed day!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


There is way too much talk about time if we could actually manage time.
That is just another illusion we create for ourselves to make our need to control things a bit easier.

We cannot manage time, however we can...
enjoy it
waste it
protect it
misuse it
give it away

What are you doing with your time?

I've been doing some thinking (I know, right?) about priorities and what I value most.
Creative things are important to me....writing, painting, photography, music

Relationships are important to me...Jesus, Glenn, kids, family, friends

Pursuit of passions and interests is important to, learning new languages, better health, inspiring others

Am I spending the majority of time on my priorities or am I spending the majority of time on someone else's priorities because I keep allowing others to dictate my days, hours, minutes....

good question.

I can't remember who said this first, but it certainly wasn't me...

The most important things should never be sacrificed in order to finish the unimportant.

(or something like that!)

So, deciding what we mean by important would be a great place to start, right?
There are some things that need to be done like bathing, eating, sleeping, taking out the trash.
I'm talking about the time we spend at the mercy of someone else's schedule and priorities.

A ringing phone, and unexpected visitor, surprises in your inbox...

My work is important and I need to remind myself what that work is and how it is best done.  I know what
I need to do on any given day and I must keep that important stuff important!

My family is important and I need to remind myself that even they are not the dictators of how I fill my time. 

We each do truly get to choose our day.  It's easier to blame others for the things we have to do, but there are really many fewer "have to's" than we may think.

If we work a full time job from 9-5, then yes, we are required to be there...but even within that time....who is dictating your day?  Are we so busy putting out other peoples' fires and addressing everyone else's concerns that we are no longer proactively creating our work day and accomplishing our most important things?

Adults have responsibilities, but we also have choices.  What are you going to choose to do with your time today?  Most of what we do requires less time than we give it. Being intentional with our necessary activities so we can be more effective in our results will free up some of that 24 hours so we can be selective about how we spend it.

Do something whimsical today....create some space in your time for something you are passionate about....and then enjoy it!

Have a beautiful day!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Mondays Can be the Best Days

I realize that Mondays usually get a pretty bad rap.

No one seems to like Monday, but how much of that is programmed into us and how much of that do we actually choose?
We are told Monday is bad, Wednesday is hump day and the weekends are next to heaven.

What if we chose to look at Monday as:
~fresh start days
~clean slate days
~goal making days
~anything is possible days
~opportunity days
~impact others days

Mondays are only negative if we see our work as a burden to bear.  When we see our time as a tool to be honed and well used, Monday can be like a chess game, a goal sheet, a "choose to walk in the way of your dreams" day.

What dreams can you take a step toward this Monday?

Create a great day today...on your way to an amazing week!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Random thoughts

Good Morning everyone...
Strange how quickly time can move.
I remember when the kids were little and the days seemed to go on forever, but the years went so quickly.
Now, even the days are moving fast, so the years are slipping through time even faster.

I love technology because of what it allows us to do.  I love being able to "see" friends, family and coworkers in other states through Skype. 

I love that I am able to connect with people and work from anywhere, not just my desk and my office.

I love the ability to unite people in a group on facebook to encourage, lift up and spur one another on.

There are so many benefits to these advances in technology.

But as I read this morning in A Holy Experience,
"When one consistently chooses cyberspace over holy space — life becomes a hollow place.....Whether you have much or little, the truth will just tell you plain: the only wealth you’ll ever have is God.

I want to appreciate what technology can do for me to improve my walk with God without allowing all of the glitz and glamor, high tech and savvy gadgets to distract me from the quiet place where I make the most important connection, get encouraged and spurred on, "see" Him for who He really is and unite with followers all over the world and throughout time...

Have you connected with God today? 

I have my morning routine....up at 650, turn on computer, hug the kids, check my emails and my facebook messages, check the PD site and welcome new jewelers, check my plan for the day, make coffee, kiss the kids goodbye and then the house is quiet....
and my spirit is called...

this is the time for me to retreat to my prayer space and connect with the Source, my Strength, my daily and eternal Savior.

...and yet....sometimes I don't.  I don't even really have a reason.  I just don't.
That makes me sad. 

But  I am also grateful because the Spirit that calls to me every moment and especially every morning keeps calling even when I don't come.  He keeps wooing, keeps asking, keeps tempting us with Himself.  He allows my safety nets, my temporal securities to waver and crumble out of His deep love for me.  He knows that He is the only One that can sustain me and keep me safe.
His love allows my false cornerstones to crack and shift so that I am reminded that there is only one foundation.

I am grateful for the challenges we face because I always draws me closer.  I am grateful for the abundant blessings of health, family, marriage, friends, home and grace because it reminds me that our God loves to be extravagant with His children!

This has been a particularly difficult month for me.  There is no reason to go into any detail about the events because the reason behind those events is more important.

When we take our eyes off of our blessings and look at what isn't working, what we don't have and how hard our life is, the power of God shrinks and the importance of the life and its struggles magnifies.

When we focus on Him and look only at what is....we begin to see the gifts of life rather than the challenges.  All is gift.  I have no problems.  At least none that are worth losing joy over....and those I do have- I know that when I stay connected and plugged in to the True Source, He is leading me through them to a better place.

For today: have you taken time to reconnect and plug in to God?  Why not?  make a list of the 20 things you are most grateful for and see if your outlook improves.  Just being able to see this screen, read these words, connect with the internet, understand this language and comprehend this message and be invited by grace to turn to Him....that's 6 gifts right there...
keep going.  What else can you thank Him for as all good things come from God.  Take some time today to do that.  We always ask God to bless us, keep us safe, bless our time together, our meals, our loved ones...but how often do we thank Him for the continuous, sustaining Love we have every moment of everyday? 
Enjoy this blessed day!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Back to reality

Hello friends!
It has been quite a while...

We were on a cruise with our jeweler family, then away with our kids for spring break and then it was Easter.
I was actually unplugged for over two weeks!  Honestly, I loved it!

As much as I rely on technology for work, connections, relationships long distance....I would much rather not be!  It is so refreshing to wake up and not have anything beeping, buzzing, ringing, dinging or mechanically "talking" to you! 
I enjoyed the time away, but while we would think it would help us to come back refreshed, I sometimes have a really hard time re-inserting myself into real life. 
It's not that I don't like work, or that I don't like my work. I do.  I've always enjoyed having a lot to do and I very much love having the privilege of mentoring other women.  But I must confess, sometimes I am just lazy and would love to stay that way!

Proverbs 14:23 says "Work brings profit; talk brings poverty." Work is something that we have to actually do, not merely talk about in order for it to be beneficial~ to us and to others.

We are created to work and we all have unique talents and skills that we are meant to use in our work.  The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak!  I am passionate about what I do and excited to share my gifts and experiences with those with whom I work.  But the other part of me would like another coconut drink with an umbrella laying on a chaise on white sand along the tropical sea....
sorry, I got distracted!

It's hard to keep going sometimes, even when things are not really that difficult!  My life is certainly not difficult!  I have my best friend for a husband, an incredible business, healthy and amazing children, a great income, and time to enjoy those things.  Even still, it can be a challenge to be motivated to work.

Why?  My thought...because it's good for us!  Nothing that is truly good for us rates high on our list of loves.
Think about it: green vegetables vs hot brownie with ice cream, up at 5am for a run or sleeping in, going to bed early or staying up late, coffee and wine or water...... the list can continue.

I know that I feel better when I do things that are good for me.  I know I am happier, more productive, more energetic and more fulfilled.  AND YET, it's still so hard to get myself to do those things.

I read a great quote yesterday from a sign in front of a manufacturing plant that read, "If you are like a wheel barrow, going no farther than you are pushed, you need not apply for work here."

Are you like a wheelbarrow, always needing someone else to push you?
Find YOUR inner strength because ultimately, there is no one who can motivate you to give all out.  Only you can do that.  Be passionate today with whatever you are doing.  Find a reason to be intentional about another person.  Work on purpose.  It's good for you.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

want to disappear?

I do somedays...

Can't we just run away from everything and hide?

This is too hard.  This life is too hard.
It's too hard to be the loving mother I want to be because my own agenda, pride, wants, irritations get completely in the way and I can sometimes look at my children as if they are in the way. (ugh)

It's too hard to be a good wife, especially when he disappears emotionally and I'm left here to deal with all of this by myself.

It's too hard to walk in the path of Christ when everything around us is showing an easier, softer, more fun and certainly easier way to go.

It's too hard to eat what I'm supposed to and not indulge in anything and everything decadent!

It's too hard to keep putting myself out there and gathering the strength to deal with another rejection, another misunderstanding, another hurt, another failure.

It's too hard to not just slip away and disappear.

....and my life is pretty easy compared to many....

We make ourselves crazy 50 weeks out of the year so we can be completely lazy for 2 weeks and the beach, in the our own room.

Why can't we find a way to live in greater harmony every day?

I want to take mini vacations every day...just a few moments here and there where I can stop seeing all that needs to be done and become more aware of all that already is being done.

Even in my awareness of the over abundance of blessings and gifts in my life...
Even in the presence of the hugs and "I love you's" from my children....
Even in the afterglow of  notes, emails, phone calls and letters of thanks....
Even in the midst of grace, I am still so lost sometimes.

We were never promised this life would be easy.  We were never promised it would be without pain, suffering, irritations, setbacks, failures, losses.  We were promised that we would never have to be alone in the midst of it.

How do we keep walking when everything just gets so hard?

Read the promises and cling to the hope of a future time.
When we are looking at where we are going and stay focused on that, our present doesn't overwhelm.

"Why are you cast down, O my soul? and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God: for I
shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." Psalm 43:5

"We have hope as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters into that within
the veil." Hebrews 6:19

It is only when I look at me that I become disquieted, disoriented, disappointed and discouraged.

When I look at Christ I am comforted, called, consoled and claimed!

Phillipians 4:8
"Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."

for today, I will not look at all that I am not accomplishing, becoming.... for today, I will choose to look at all the He did and rest in His accomplishment.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Close to Jesus

When James and John asked to be the ones sitting closest to Jesus, the response was fairly close to "be careful what you ask for."

We ask to be close to Jesus.  We ask for Him to show us His way for us and allow us to walk in His footsteps.

I'm not so sure we realize what we're asking.

I know I'm not.  I know that I have felt that if I pray, ask for guidance, seek to follow his will and give Him glory for my life that I will enjoy a happy, comfortable and fulfilling life.  Where do we learn that because it certainly isn't in Scripture!

Our generation has never really had to deal with any true long-term tragedies as a culture.  We were born in the midst of or following the Vietnam War and while we have been engaging in the War in the Middle East and many men and women have suffered and sacrificed...those of us at home go about business as usual on most given days.

We were told that if we worked hard and made good decisions, we would experience success...and that success was an unspoken reference to worldly success. 

We have confused the American Dream with the Walk of a follower of Christ.

I would love to experience greater worldly success, sure.  I would like to travel and enjoy the comforts that money can buy....but at what cost?  And how do I respond when that comfort or that pleasure is removed or interrupted? Usually with irritation and confusion.

Yet in 1 Peter 4:12 we hear, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you."

It would be more of a concern then I would think if we never experienced worldly discomfort, persecution or trials in this life....would that then suggest that I am not actually following Christ.  He said his followers would be persecuted in this world.

I am not looking for suffering and I'm not seeking persecution.  However, I am seeking the Kingdom of God and seeking His glory and seeking His favor and His eternal reward.  The world is not.  When we stand for what is righteous, what is True, what is just, what is worthy, what is eternal, what is pure, what is the Way of our Savior, we must expect there to be worldly backlash. And....1 peter 12-14
"But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you"

Rejoice?  Rejoice in hardships and suffering that comes from seeking a closer relationship with Jesus?  That can't be right!  That's not what we hear....
We hear, God wants you to be successful and wealthy and prosperous!
Well, that may be true.  God may in fact want some of us to have worldly wealth that may further His Kingdom.  With that comes great challenge though...for we all know Matthew 19:24 that tells us "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."

However, that is not a promise of God...that we will be healthy, prosperous and free of affliction.  His promise is "Do not fear, I will be with you. " Isaiah 41:10

We will be with him in paradise.  This world is passing away.  Our life here is but a vapor....

Where is our focus?  Where is our heart?  Where does our treasure lie?
I pray for the resolve to resist the world and the courage of the Spirit to rise up in me so that I may accept with joy everything that He brings into my life that will glorify Him and bring me closer to His heart.

For today: what is your pursuit? the heart of the one, true and Holy God....or The American Dream?

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Heart of God

There are so many people hurting all over the world every day.  This weekend, many of those people were part of our circle and so our hearts are heavy with sharing their burdens of grief, pain and loss.
As I entered into prayer for these friends, I found myself asking God,
 "How do You bear all of the pain?  How do You see and feel all of the ones you love anguishing? Your heart must break even as You know the good to which that anguish will lead."

This led me to consider the heart of God. We are made in His image and seeing and knowing Jesus is seeing and knowing God. (John 14:9)
Jesus weeps with Martha and Mary at the death of Lazarus. (John 11:35)
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. (Luke 19:41)

God cries.
God cries, too.

"Change my heart O God.  Make it ever true.  Change my heart O God.  May I be like You."

To be compassionate, to share in the pain of those we love and feel the same ache that they feel...this is to be like God.  That means God is hurting with your hurt.  God is crying with you as you cry.

I know the pain I feel in my soul when my children are hurting, even when I know that the current hurt will lead them to a greater joy...

...even when I am the one who is allowing them to experience that hurt...

God is good.  God is always good.  Everything that happens to those who love Him is good...even when it doesn't feel that way.  And in the midst of that pain, in the midst of the struggle and the anguish, trust that He, the God of the universe, is crying with you.

Imagine all the hurt of all the world bearing down on a heart of compassion.  What would that be like?

Lead me to the cross...
Francesca Battistelli sings this song...

Savior I come
Quiet my soul
Redemption's hill
Where Your blood was spilled
For my ransom
Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost
Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross
You were as I
Tempted and tried
The word became flesh
Bore my sin and death
Now you're risen
Everything I once I held dear
I count it all as loss
To your heart
To your heart
Lead me to your heart
Lead me to your heart

For in the TRUTH that God is good and He is holding you right now, crying when you cry, laughing while you laugh and only a heartbeat away.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

all about asking

Every night it's the same thing from my youngest two...
"Will your read? Will you lay down with me? Are you coming up? Will you come back and check on me later? Will you sing? Can I stay up and read after you leave?"
Every night, same questions regardless of my response the night before.
Every night. Religiously. Undeterred.  Persistently. Confidently.

Children don't have any trouble asking for anything. I just heard a statistic about the number of times a toddler will hear the word, "no" in a day...I can't remember the exact number, but it was a lot!  It doesn't seem to deter them either.

Why do adults, well, why do I have so much trouble asking for what I want?


I feel I already have so much.  I feel it makes me appear ungrateful.  I feel that by asking for some thing I am minimizing my asking for Him.  I don't want a vending machine God and I certainly don't want to appear to Him or to myself that I am in fact looking for a vending machine God. 

But, we either believe and follow or we don't.  We don't get to pick and choose which commands to believe and which we should follow.

Come to me.
Ask and it will be given to you.
Anything you ask in my name.
What is it that you want?

Ask, even though He already knows what we need and what we want- He still wants us to ask.  Why?

~positioning~ asking for something keeps us in the right perspective of our need and His provision, power and authority
~enjoyment~ He desires to give us good things and wants to be needed; our asking brings Him joy
~our benefit~ asking is good for us. Everything God tells us to do is for our own good, even when we can't understand why. 

When the blind man comes to Jesus, Jesus asks the man, "What do you want me to do for you?" (matt 20:32) I am really close to certain that Jesus already knows what the man wants. He wants to see.  The audience knows what the man wants.  So why does Jesus ask him?
 I think He wants the man to ask, to be specific, to have faith, to recognize His power to heal and to show that we have the right to ask.

I have always struggled with asking.  I am certain it is my pride and my illusion that I shouldn't need to ask, but should be able to do for myself.  THIS is why I must ask.  My asking is a demonstration of my humility and an acknowledgment of my complete lack. 

There are things I want.  I will ask and I will believe that I will receive them.  If I do not, it is only because there is a better thing, not because I shouldn't have asked.

For today, what do you want?  Pray God's word and read His promises.  The "if-then" statements throughout scripture that encourage us to ask and believe in faith, not in hope, but in faith that we will receive.  Ask. 

Monday, February 13, 2012


I'm 41 today.
I remember the year I turned 31.  2002.  I was 7 months pregnant with Max.  Jess had just turned 5.  Kate was 3 1/2, Abby was 18 months.  We lived on Summit in Bellevue. I cried.  I felt old and exhausted.  I spent the day, the cold and snowy day, at home with the kids.  I dreamed about being 41.  I thought about what it would be like to have teenagers, to sleep all night, to care about my appearance, to get my body have money by then!
I looked forward to my 40's thinking about how it would be and who I would be and I must say that for the most part, all of those dreams and wishes have come true.
While it is cold, it's not snowing!  The kids are all in school.  They are 15, 13, 11 and almost 10.  I just got 7 and 1/2 hours of complete sleep and I'm planning on going out for the day... just me. My own time, my own body...without any attachments (you know, the ones that cling and hang and cry and whine....)
Well, it's still February though.  And February finances are still not something to get excited about, but I must say that 41 is feeling pretty good.
why is there always an except?  Why can't I just be satisfied?
Except...well....I'm 41.  A friend was talking about the ages of the people in a group she considered joining, but they were all middle aged.  Watch it I said....I'm middle aged!  I'm that woman, the one with the house and the kids and the life in full swing. 

No longer waiting for things to start, but wondering how much I missed while I was waiting.

My greatest thanks today is for my glenn.  I love that I can remember him at 12 and he me. I love that he remembers, that he knows me at 18, 25, 31 and pregnant and crying and tired. That he knows ...everything and that he loves because of, in spite of, still.

Why- in the midst of the greatest time of my life- the joy and peace, the family and friends, the business and purpose- in the midst of this time why do I still feel an ache? A longing.
If I am blessed with a long life, I'm only just now getting to the halfway much more to do, to say, to live...and yet...I feel such sadness at the time gone by.

Trust me...I do not wish for the years of no sleep, diapers and the constancy of babies and toddlers...I do not want to do that again...I just wonder how it is that it came and went so quickly and how I find myself on the other side of that time. and it's not about missing anything.  I have been truly blessed...I was there for every moment with each child, each word, each step, each first...and yet....they still passed.  I was there and yet they are still over.

Jess will learn to drive this year.  Max will play baseball.  Abby is taking gymnastics and Katherine will start high school.  They are still having firsts and I am still here for every one. I am so blessed.  I am so blessed.  I am so truly blessed.

We are doing my favorite thing later today....
I'll shop for lots of fresh foods and we'll all hang out in the kitchen cooking together.  Great music playing, lots of sharing and laughing.  Enjoying wine and one another's stories.  Time.  Time to just be together and notice the life we are living. Just the six of us....enjoying time together.

Notice the life you are living.  Whether it is good times or hard times, it's the life you are living.  Be present to it as it too will change and move forward.

Happy Birthday.  Yes, it's a happy birthday.  My heart is full and that is the ache.  An abundance of anything can make us ache...even abundance of goodness.  My cup runneth over. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The year in a word

Several years ago at the beginning of Advent, our pastor asked us to think of a word.  As Advent is the beginning of the church year, this was like a New Year's Resolution of sorts.  This word we chose, he asked us to pray about, meditate on and heartfully consider what our word would be for that year...maybe it was 2008 or 2009.  I took that request very seriously.  Words are very important to me and some have quite special meanings for me personally.  So choosing the right word for my coming year was a task I wanted to ponder deeply.
All that next week, no matter what word I wanted to choose, and I came up with several that I thought were striking or challenging or powerful, no matter how I tried to choose a word, one word kept choosing me...grace.

I never spent much time considering grace.  It was just a word.  But that November it became my word and in the coming year I came to really know grace, experience grace and learn to live grace.  So much so that I continued that the next year.
One year learning to receive it and the next year learning to give it.

It was time to choose a new word and my word was joy.  Mostly I believe because I didn't have it and knew I wanted it, knew that as a believer I was commanded to be joyful in the Lord...and I wasn't.

This year my word came to me late.  It was early January, rather than late November and I realized I did not have a word that called to me for 2012.  Again, I tried to create one, to come up with something that felt right, felt like me in this year.
It came to me very quietly through a dozen conversations with several close friends.  It's a word that never really captured my attention before, but now is everywhere.  You know how that is...when something becomes valuable to you, you begin to see evidence of it everywhere.
I've heard people speak about at rally, share it in private conversations and a few weeks ago, it was the topic of one of my daily devotions.


We strive for balance, but that isn't possible.  Balance is a state of non-motion.  If something is balanced, there is no movement.  Our lives swing like a pendulum, always too far in one direction causing us further stress and guilt because we are not "in balance."


Harmony isn't about everything being equalized, but everything working together with agreement or accord; a pleasing arrangement of parts.
I love the sound of that for my life...a pleasing arrangement of parts.  No one else can tell me when my life is in harmony, only I will know and whatever that looks like is good....for me.

My word for 2012 is harmony.  I love even the sound of it!  The peaceful way it comes off the tongue without any harsh notes....harmony.  My year will unfold peacefully without any harsh notes either.  Regardless of what the external circumstances may be, my internal compass is turned to harmony and the peaceful pleasing arrangements of all the parts....relationships, faith, children, business, leisure, agreement or accord with what I value and in a way that I am at peace in my spirit.

What is your word?  I challenge you to ponder and pray over what is calling to you, what new flavor you might find in an ordinary word that will shape you and your world this year.
Take the week and pay attention.  Wake up to your world and look deeply at your life and what is showing itself.  The last several years have been transforming for me.  My words have anchored me during difficult times and kept me grounded in the Word.  Joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, humility and self control...maybe self control will be next year!
Right now, I am meditating on His peace and trusting in His provision without striving to control what I can't control.  Where are you?  Where do you want to be?  Start moving in that word at a time.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our thought life

Watch your thoughts they become your words.
Watch your words they become your actions.
Watch your actions they become your habits.
Watch your habits they become your character.
Watch your character it becomes your destiny.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act, but a habit." ~Aristotle

We all try to change our behavior, but it's our thoughts that need changing.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but continually be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God's will is-what is proper, pleasing, and perfect." Romans 12:2

"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." Phillipians 4:8

What thoughts are creating your destiny? Thoughts-words-actions-habits-character-destiny...that's the path.  What is your starting point?

I am amazed as I look back over the past several years and see the transformation that God has done in my thoughts and in my words, therefore in my destiny.

Layer by layer, He reveals myself to me.  (only of course a little at a time as too much of me at once would have been paralyzing I'm sure!) When we try to change our behavior, those daily habits that we are not happy with....too much yelling, stress, not enough quiet time, cold relationships, sloth, gluttony....the enemy keeps us chained because of the thoughts we continue to entertain! 
He knows if his demons or evil spirits can capture peoples' minds they can capture their bodies. Isn't this the same purpose the armies of this world capture brainwash them?
"As a man thinks (in his heart) so he is." Proverbs 23:7

So again, consider, what thoughts are dictating your destiny?
When we renew our minds and think on the promises of God, we become better people because we are not focusing on our behavior and our weakness, but on His glory and His power.

"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
"He gives power to the powerless and strength to the weak." Isaiah 40:29
"But all who listen to me will live in peace, runtroubled by fear of harm." Proverbs 1:33
"I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.  So don't be troubled or afraid." John 14:27 
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything with prayer and petition bring your requests to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:6

When we renew our mind and think on these such things, God promises us a different kind of future!
He has overcome the world already.  He has already won and the battle is now in our minds for our destinies...what will yours be?

It is so exciting when we finally realize that we can choose joy regardless of the external circumstances.  And I don't mean say we're joyful and use that word with holy slander, mocking real joy.  We can say we are joyful in all circumstances because we're supposed to "learn to be content with both (much and little)" but actually harbor thoughts of bitterness, resentment, fear, wrong judgment.  Remember, it's our thoughts that have the power.
Whatever is true, noble, lovely, pure...think on these things.

For today, consider all that is good, mediate on only the beauty and goodness that surrounds you.  Be renewed in your mind and watch your life begin to change.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Teachable moments.

yesterday morning, my littlest came in with a sad look on his face. 
"Abby's mad at me because I broke her castle.  It was on accident, and when I said I was sorry, she still yelled at me."

"Were you playing around about knocking it down, got carried away and then actually did
knock it down?" (funny how they can be several rooms away and you can still see the whole scene.)

sheepish look. "But I still didn't mean to and now she's mad."

"Did you say you were sorry and not, "I'm sorry!!!!" Perhaps you can try, "I really am sorry. Will you please forgive me for being reckless?"

It's so hard for us to own what we do wrong.  True, he didn't intend to break her castle, but when he did, he
behaved as if she had done something wrong by getting upset; as if demanding forgiveness before actually repenting and being sorry for what he had done.

None of us want to own our mistakes, our bad judgments or our short tempered responses.  We either claim a right to behave that way or we turn it around and blame the other person for our actions and feelings.  We feel entitled to our behavior.  But when is is right to demean someone or undercut another's heart?  When is it our right to belittle someone's character, break a promise, take their belongings or treat them unfairly?  And then, when is is right to believe we have the right to withhold forgiveness from them when they do the same.

insert your name into these scriptures

Ephesians 4:3132
I _______________ will, get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander,
along with every form of malice. I will be kind and compassionate to others, forgiving
others, just as in Christ, God forgave me.

John 13:3435
A new command I give you__________________: Love one another. As I have loved
you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if
you love one another."

Ephesians 4:29 NIV
I ___________________will not let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but
only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit
those who listen.

Matthew 6:14 NIV
For if I ______________ forgive men when they sin against me, my heavenly Father will
also forgive me.

We are imperfect.  We still mess up, act wrongly and hurt others...even with the best intentions.  We are so grateful for the forgiveness we receive from God through Jesus' sacrifice.  We cling to the assurance that we are forgiven.  We must also remember that first we must repent, be sorry and turn from our sins.  In order to do that, we have to admit we have sinned.

Admit you broke the castle, even if you didn't mean to.  Allow the other person to be upset and feel hurt.  Be truly sorry and ask for forgiveness. 

Both kids came in.  I said, "you love her, yes?  and you love him?  if someone else was hurting one of you, would you come to help?  of course you would.  you are very close and because you're close, you are going to hurt each other.  you're not perfect.  and neither are you.  It's okay to not be perfect.  It's not okay to pretend that you are."

"I didn't mean to break your castle, will you forgive me?"
"I know.  Sure.  Wanna build a fort?"

(big hugs, giggles and running off to build together)

Sometimes it works out that way.  Children are so quick to forgive.  It's like their hearts are still too tender to hold onto something as ugly and coarse as unforgiveness.  We must soften our hearts, tenderize the hardened parts that refuse to forgive, the parts that refuse to admit the mistakes we make that require repentance. 


For today....give a little grace, give others room to be imperfect, see beyond their harshness to their pain and extend some grace.  receive a little grace, be quick to say you were wrong and seek forgiveness.  We must become like little children....with tender hearts...big hugs...giggles.  Then we too will experience the joy of building together.

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Favorite Things

I love Friday.  It's my favorite day!  There is just something different about Friday to feels different!
There are so many simple things that make me if I want to smile more often, I should do more of these things!
Here's a short list....
fresh flowers
a fire in the fireplace
being married to glenn
friday night weaver dance parties
sinatra during dinner
bedtime songs with my children
comfy clothes
a really good book and getting absorbed in it
laughing children
a favorite song on the radio unexpectedly
quiet moments with God
helping other people to find their passion
dinner with good friends that lasts for hours
the ocean
...and of course, as I mentioned...Friday.
The first time I wrote a list like this, it occurred to me how easy it would be to have these things every day (well, except Friday!) These simple, inexpensive pleasures, when created intentionally or just noticed purposely every day would allow me to experience so much joy every day!

What is your list?  What things just make your heart ache with the love of it?
I read a blog yesterday about the ache of raising children, of seeing your boy becoming a man and being awed and amazed and somewhat bewildered by it all...
I love that ache...that tender place in my heart that reminds me of Love. 

My youngest daughter and I finished Charlotte's Web last night...a think I read it about 50 times growing up.  As we read 'The End', she looked at me and said, "that's such a sad ending." Not sad,'s's ...that ache.  The awareness of love because it's been lost.

Oh how I want to learn to Love until it aches without having to experience the losing part!

I want to be more present to my loves....I want to be more aware of my joys and more appreciative of my favorite things!

"Sunrise doesn't last all morning, a cloudburst doesn't last all day.  All things must pass away."(G. Harrison)

We all have that the sunset fades into the dark, the final notes of our favorite song drift into quiet, the child becomes an adult, the endless hours suddenly are past years...

But the reason I love that ache, as much as it hurts sometimes is because of the reason we ache in the first place.

We are not made for the temporary, but for the eternal.

We aren't supposed to experience loss, but to remain forever in Love.
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away" (Matthew 24:35)

The ache of things I love here remind me of the eternal Love, and the knowledge that someday my heart will remain permanently filled make me cling to the moments that bring me joy here...regardless of how fleeting.

So I will celebrate my Fridays, cry over heart wrenching movies, tear up at the memories of my babies, invite more friends over for more wine and more laughing, buy more fresh flowers....even though all of this makes my heart ache and eventually fades away, my hope is in You Lord! 
Someday, all will be made new!
"Then He who sat on the throne said, 'Behold, I make all things new.'And He said to me, 'Write, for these words are true and faithful.” (Revelation 21:5)

Happy Friday everyone.  Write your list of favorite things and see how many you can create, appreciate and celebrate this weekend!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rejoice in all things

Max tried to pack his lunch this jelly, no bread, bad strawberries, no string cheese, no crackers.  The milk is gone.  Sigh.

Have you ever felt as if you work 20 hours a day and still end up with a pile of undones?
The new day brings more hours and you think you can catch up, but that new day also brings with it a whole new list of "needs done".

I ask if you've ever felt this way while knowing of course that you have.  Everyone has.
Well, I'm having one of those right this very second.
(well, it started yesterday and it's not looking that great today)

So what is your antidote? Do you escape? Cry? Yell? Take it out on those closest? Freeze and do nothing?

My other question: have you ever felt such joy and peace that you felt like music drifting in the warm night air?
It is my prayer that if you said yes to the first, you can also say yes to the second.

Yes, my plate is very full right now and there is much to do.  My stress level is creeping and, well, February is coming. (that's a saying in my house that means hardship!)

However, one of the devil's tricks is to burden us with the sense of permanency when we are struggling and one of vapors when we are joyful. 
If you are trying to quit smoking and it's the first three days and you feel like garbage, into your mind drops the phrase, "this is awful and it's always going to be this way." If you are trying to lose weight and it's only happening ounces at a time, when someone offers you chocolate cake you think, "this diet isn't working anyway, I'll be fat forever; may as well enjoy the pleasure I can have."

When things are good and we feel life is beautiful, we cling to the moment and think, "but I have to go back to the office tomorrow/there's all that work on my desk/that fight with my father....." and we are robbed of the joy in the moment.

We are not in heaven yet and this place is imperfect.  When we seek perfection in an imperfect place, we will feel burdened and overwhelmed or unfulfilled and wistful.  There is only One place to find the peace and joy in the midst of it all.   When we feel beauty and turn to Him, we are reminded that He is always beautiful, even during the ugly times.  When we feel burdened and turn to Him, we are reminded that in our weakness, He is strong and by His power we can accomplish all things needing done.

 What do workers gain from their toil?  I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race.  He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.  That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.  I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.  When times are good, be happy;  but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one  as well as the other. (ecclesiastes)

With eternity in my heart, of course this life pales.  It is only when I remember that whether it is a good day or a difficult day; a moment of beauty or the sharp pang of loss; a triumphant achievement or a humiliating failure, He- Lord of all is in all of it and will bring me through it and will give it purpose and will give me lasting peace.

So today, with no food in the house, a pile of papers on my desk and a list of calls to make...I give praise and thanks to God who is in all things and then I am joyful in the presence of all these things.

For you today, can you give thanks and praise for your challenges as well as your joys? 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Do your part

In Mark 3:5, the man stretched out his hand to be healed. In John 5:8, Jesus tells the man to pick up his mat and walk.  In Mark and Matthew we hear about the boy giving his lunch and Jesus fed thousands.

Of course it is possible for God to work omnipotently and independently without any input from us.  Jesus could have healed the blind man without telling him to get up and wash the mud from his eyes.  But  all of the miracle stories have us participating in our own healing, our own feeding, our own seeing.

There is a story that a friend reminded me of the other day.  It's always been a favorite of mine.
There were 2 farmers, both in desperate need of rain. Both prayed for rain, but only one farmer actually prepared his fields to receive the rain. Which one trusted God to send the rain? Which one are you? God will send the rain when He's ready. We need to prepare our fields to receive it. (from the movie Facing the Giants)
Throughout scripture, we are asked over and over again to participate with Jesus.  We are not to just sit by and pray and hope for a result.  We are to enter into the miracle.
When we felt called to make this move to South Carolina, it was a very strong message.  Even though we didn't really know anyone here, we believed this was God's plan for us.  We started out by saying, "well, if the house sells we will move.  If it doesn't sell by the end of the summer, we won't."  By the end of June, no sale and yet we felt God saying we needed to move forward.  We need to prepare our fields even though there was no rain. We started packing, had a garage sale, rented a house in South Carolina and paid to register the kids in school.  We were definitely readying our fields, but without any signs of rain! We were stressed!
I kept telling myself that to stress was to not trust; that one day we would look back on that time and realize we had no reason to stress.  
We set our move date for August 8th.  The week before we left, we got an offer.  The rain came.
I remember writing in my journal during that time, "it's not the end result that's the miracle.  It's what happens to us in the waiting."
People we work with will often say, "I want God to bless my business."  Our response is usually, "Give Him something to bless!"  It is more my daily prayer in asking Him to bless my efforts that they may produce good fruit, help to others and glory to Him.
What are you doing today that is bringing you His healing or His grace? What is your participation?  What can you do to further your work, your relationships?  Do you need to step out in faith in answer to the prompting of the Spirit?  Do you need to forgive someone else so that you can find peace?  Do you need to ask
God for direction so that you may work with Him in bringing about His purpose for you?
God performs miracles every day.  It is my conclusion, based on past experiences and the stories of Jesus walking with us that God would prefer to work these miracles through us.  Through Him, with Him and in the unity of the Holy Spirit! 
How exciting!  God wants us to be involved.  He wants us to share in the miracles with Him.  That is so exciting and humbling that God, Creator of everything, would want to use me that I may be changed in the process.
For today: If you are praying for rain, how ready are your fields?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

precious child

January 18, 1997 Jessica Hope Weaver

I was 25 when God brought her into our lives.  We would sit for hours just watching her.
Yes, it is true in our family as well....we have hours of video of our first and several albums...fewer of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th....

Why is that?  I suppose it could be that we have less and less free time with each additional blessing that comes along. It certainly isn't less love.  Perhaps it is the awe.

I remember saying on her first night at home, "there's another person in the house with us now." The wonder that someone isn't...and then she is.  The miracle of a new baby.  The freshness of my memory now 15 years old.

I was with friends last night, laughing, sharing jewelry and stories.  There were two 5 month old babies there and during the evening someone received a text....another new baby...just arrived!  Another blessing...a little girl all the way in Michigan was being celebrated by a group of women here in South Carolina.
More laughing and crying and passing around the pictures sent immediately on a phone....connection.

Twelve women sharing a bond, a new baby.  So much joy and wonder and hope comes with a new baby.  There is a message that the world is good and each life created reminds us of the goodness and the Creator of all things good.

I love babies.  I love their scent and their softness; their little feet and the brightness of their eyes.  Babies bring hope and joy and bond us, especially women as we connect in the miracle of participating in the delivering of these blessings.  This precious child.

My heart aches with love and joy and pride for all of my precious children and today, on her birthday, my Hope.

for today~ see the tantrums as passion, the defiance as budding independence, the broken dish as a reminder of the frailty of their hearts and the kisses as the breath of heaven.  love your babies matter how old or how young they are.  everyone still needs to know she is a precious child.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Set the World on Fire

"If you are what you are meant to be, you will set the world on fire!"
~Saint Catherine of Sienna

That's wonderful!  But many of us then come to the question, what am I meant to be?
We are meant to be happy, joyful people living abundantly in the grace of our God through Jesus.
Does that sound like you?
I want it to be me, and as Bill Murray says in the movie Groundhog Day, "I'm really close on this one!"

How do we know though that we are living the life we are supposed to live, the life we were created to
live?  I believe that God creates the desires in our hearts for the life we were created for.  I know that I was
not created to sew, be a doctor, take vows of a nun, go to the Olympics or even to be a banker or an elementary school teacher.  How do I know these things for certain?  I do not have a desire in my heart for those things.  While I may be able to study and learn some of these things and if I work really hard and apply myself I might someday become adequate.  That doesn't sound like living abundantly, does it?

John 10:10 reads "I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly!"  That is why Jesus came.  If we are believers and followers and we're not living abundantly, we must ask ourselves where is the disconnect?

As children, we are encouraged to dream and aspire to accomplish great things. We dream about where we'll live and travel, what work we'll do and the family we'll have.  We get excited thinking about all the world has to offer and where we find the most joy.  As we get older, those dreams get squelched and squashed by dream killers and the brutal reality of daily routine.  We begin to feel foolish for dreaming and immature for believing life has more to offer. We settle into what's expected of us....a steady job with good benefits, quitting school to stay home and care for the house and family, taking over the family business or giving up traveling for the sake of stability.  Now, if that job, staying home, the family business or your home town ignite a fire in your belly and make you jump out of bed in the morning with enthusiasm, then you are in fact following your desires.  Unfortunately, most people don't and they are left feeling empty and passionless in their lives.

Jesus is passionate.  He is passionate about us, about our lives and our futures.  He is passionate about our relationship with Him and with the Father.  Listen to the sense of urgency in His voice in this prayer in the gospel of John.
"I pray that they (my followers) may all be one, Father! May they be in us, just as you are in me and I am in you.  Father, you have given them to me and I want them to be with me where I am so that they many see my glory, the glory you gave me! I made you known to them and I will continue to do so in order that the love you have for me may be in them and so that I also may be in them!" (17:21-26)

We are made in that Image...that holy and passionate and all-out Image.  We are made for passion and purpose. 
For today- go back to dreaming and go deep within your own heart to discover the passions and talents that God planted there before you were born.  Be willing to step out and follow those talents and begin to find your purpose as you do live happily, joyfully and abundantly in the grace of God!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Your Spirit is within me

In Charlie Brown's Christmas, Charlie Brown shares this interesting insight with Lucy concerning her disgust for Pig Pen.

"Don't think of it as dust. Think of it as maybe the soil of some great past civilization. Maybe the soil of ancient Babylon. It staggers the imagination. He may be carrying soil that was trod upon by Solomon, or even Nebuchudnezzar"
Pig Pen's reply?  "Sort of makes you want to treat me with a little more respect, doesn't it?"

As believers, we know that the Spirit of the living God resides inside of us.  We trust that His divine presence, loving guidance and saving grace breathes in our bodies.  As we agree with this statement, we might need to consider what Pig Pen queried.  Shouldn't that knowledge make us want to treat one another with a little more respect?

So, what's the problem? If Christ lives in me and Christ lives in you, why do we argue, abuse, shame or ignore one another so much of the time?  Even if we adopt the polite response of, "oh, bless your heart," to someone's face, there is so often an internal rolling-of-the-eyes. 

My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak.  Is that it?  It's certainly a very spiritual response and brings some relief to our conscience.  Sometimes I wonder though, is my spirit willing?  How willing is my spirit to be generous, to be humble, to be self-sacrificing, to be lowly or misunderstood?  How willing is my spirit to let someone else get the credit or have the prize?  How willing is my spirit?

Sometimes I know that my spirit needs to have a better connection with His spirit.  (you would think if we were both housed in the same body, we would connect more often...but you know how busy we all are!)

Ah-ha.  How busy we all are.  Maybe in order to allow our spirit to better connect with His Spirit within us, we will have to slow down and allow the Word and our prayer to bring us closer to Him that is already here.  Maybe, if we slowed down enough to allow our spirits to be engulfed in Him, it would be by His power that we could treat others with greater respect.

It's not so much to treat others as you would want to be treated, but treat others as you would Christ. For today, let us ask the Holy Spirit to help our eyes to see past someone's flesh to the spirit within them and then for the grace to treat them with a little more respect.
I need to work on this.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wake up from your Slumber

"Days they force you back under those covers
Lazy mornings, they multiply.
Glory's waiting outside your window
Wake on up from your slumber
And open up your eyes!

All these victims stand in line for
Crumbs that fall from the table
Just enough to get by
All the while Your invitation
Wake on up from your slumber
Come on open up your eyes"
(song: "Slumber" by Need to Breathe)

See what is, read His promises.  Hear and believe!
Why do we allow our minds to talk us out of God's truth?
"Tongues are violent, personal and focused
Tough to beat with your steady mind
But hearts are stronger after broken
So wake on up from your slumber
And open up your eyes"

I have come that you would have life and have it abundantly! (john 10:10)
Why do we say, "oh, that isn't for me." God says, you are my beloved.  I have
counted every hair on your head. I will never leave you or forsake you.  And while
we were still sinners, Jesus came! (not after we fixed ourselves up to be presentable!)

Believers.....believe!           Followers......follow!

If you believe in the promises of God, act like it.  "Wake on up from your slumber, open up your eyes."  If you say you're a Christian, follow Jesus.  "All you victims, stand in line for crumbs that fall from the table, just enough to get by."

We are not victims, but victors in Christ!  Imagine what we as a body of believing, following people could create in our world in His authority.  We don't have to imagine.  God tells us.  If we have the faith of a mustard seed, we can move mountains.  If we believe, then we are in Him and He is in us, just as He is in the Father and the Father is in Him. 

"Glory's waiting outside your window. Wake on up from your slumber, open up your eyes!"

I love this song!  I love many of their songs and highly recommend checking them out! 
We can't allow our minds to talk us out of what we know to be true.  God says what is true.  We believe, regardless of whether or not we understand it. (proverbs)
What are you going to accomplish today?  What Glory is waiting for you to accept the invitation?

How do we compete with our rival thoughts?
"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." (phillipians)

For today, think on such things.  Open your eyes.  See the Glory and live boldly.  I can't wait to see all that is waiting outside my window!  Aren't you curious as to what is outside yours?