Thursday, March 8, 2012

Close to Jesus

When James and John asked to be the ones sitting closest to Jesus, the response was fairly close to "be careful what you ask for."

We ask to be close to Jesus.  We ask for Him to show us His way for us and allow us to walk in His footsteps.

I'm not so sure we realize what we're asking.

I know I'm not.  I know that I have felt that if I pray, ask for guidance, seek to follow his will and give Him glory for my life that I will enjoy a happy, comfortable and fulfilling life.  Where do we learn that because it certainly isn't in Scripture!

Our generation has never really had to deal with any true long-term tragedies as a culture.  We were born in the midst of or following the Vietnam War and while we have been engaging in the War in the Middle East and many men and women have suffered and sacrificed...those of us at home go about business as usual on most given days.

We were told that if we worked hard and made good decisions, we would experience success...and that success was an unspoken reference to worldly success. 

We have confused the American Dream with the Walk of a follower of Christ.

I would love to experience greater worldly success, sure.  I would like to travel and enjoy the comforts that money can buy....but at what cost?  And how do I respond when that comfort or that pleasure is removed or interrupted? Usually with irritation and confusion.

Yet in 1 Peter 4:12 we hear, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you."

It would be more of a concern then I would think if we never experienced worldly discomfort, persecution or trials in this life....would that then suggest that I am not actually following Christ.  He said his followers would be persecuted in this world.

I am not looking for suffering and I'm not seeking persecution.  However, I am seeking the Kingdom of God and seeking His glory and seeking His favor and His eternal reward.  The world is not.  When we stand for what is righteous, what is True, what is just, what is worthy, what is eternal, what is pure, what is the Way of our Savior, we must expect there to be worldly backlash. And....1 peter 12-14
"But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you"

Rejoice?  Rejoice in hardships and suffering that comes from seeking a closer relationship with Jesus?  That can't be right!  That's not what we hear....
We hear, God wants you to be successful and wealthy and prosperous!
Well, that may be true.  God may in fact want some of us to have worldly wealth that may further His Kingdom.  With that comes great challenge though...for we all know Matthew 19:24 that tells us "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."

However, that is not a promise of God...that we will be healthy, prosperous and free of affliction.  His promise is "Do not fear, I will be with you. " Isaiah 41:10

We will be with him in paradise.  This world is passing away.  Our life here is but a vapor....

Where is our focus?  Where is our heart?  Where does our treasure lie?
I pray for the resolve to resist the world and the courage of the Spirit to rise up in me so that I may accept with joy everything that He brings into my life that will glorify Him and bring me closer to His heart.

For today: what is your pursuit? the heart of the one, true and Holy God....or The American Dream?

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