Friday, February 3, 2012

Our thought life

Watch your thoughts they become your words.
Watch your words they become your actions.
Watch your actions they become your habits.
Watch your habits they become your character.
Watch your character it becomes your destiny.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act, but a habit." ~Aristotle

We all try to change our behavior, but it's our thoughts that need changing.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but continually be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God's will is-what is proper, pleasing, and perfect." Romans 12:2

"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." Phillipians 4:8

What thoughts are creating your destiny? Thoughts-words-actions-habits-character-destiny...that's the path.  What is your starting point?

I am amazed as I look back over the past several years and see the transformation that God has done in my thoughts and in my words, therefore in my destiny.

Layer by layer, He reveals myself to me.  (only of course a little at a time as too much of me at once would have been paralyzing I'm sure!) When we try to change our behavior, those daily habits that we are not happy with....too much yelling, stress, not enough quiet time, cold relationships, sloth, gluttony....the enemy keeps us chained because of the thoughts we continue to entertain! 
He knows if his demons or evil spirits can capture peoples' minds they can capture their bodies. Isn't this the same purpose the armies of this world capture brainwash them?
"As a man thinks (in his heart) so he is." Proverbs 23:7

So again, consider, what thoughts are dictating your destiny?
When we renew our minds and think on the promises of God, we become better people because we are not focusing on our behavior and our weakness, but on His glory and His power.

"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
"He gives power to the powerless and strength to the weak." Isaiah 40:29
"But all who listen to me will live in peace, runtroubled by fear of harm." Proverbs 1:33
"I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.  So don't be troubled or afraid." John 14:27 
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything with prayer and petition bring your requests to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:6

When we renew our mind and think on these such things, God promises us a different kind of future!
He has overcome the world already.  He has already won and the battle is now in our minds for our destinies...what will yours be?

It is so exciting when we finally realize that we can choose joy regardless of the external circumstances.  And I don't mean say we're joyful and use that word with holy slander, mocking real joy.  We can say we are joyful in all circumstances because we're supposed to "learn to be content with both (much and little)" but actually harbor thoughts of bitterness, resentment, fear, wrong judgment.  Remember, it's our thoughts that have the power.
Whatever is true, noble, lovely, pure...think on these things.

For today, consider all that is good, mediate on only the beauty and goodness that surrounds you.  Be renewed in your mind and watch your life begin to change.

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