Friday, October 19, 2012

Last Night's Dream

Last night I dreamt that Obama came to our house to visit and talk about his positions.  I am not going to affiliate myself with any group, organization, religion or other social demographic.  We were cordial and he sat in our living room and talked about kids and Michelle and asked about ours.  He talked about his desire to help and in his charismatic way gave us his vision for the future. We asked questions and challenged him on certain topics from small business to taxes to the best ways to help those who are less fortunate.
As he was leaving, my husband and I both reached out and shook his hand and said goodbye.  After he was gone, Jesus stood there crying asking me why I didn’t defend Him.  How could I politely discuss money and business without defending life.
You see, it doesn’t really matter if Obama’s policies would in fact help this country.  It doesn’t matter what we believe about Obamacare.  It becomes completely irrelevant whether or not we agree with his political stance or support his type of government.  He adamantly chooses to continue to kill the unborn and destroy the lives of women.
I am not famous.  I am not rich.  I am a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, a friend just like many of you.  It doesn’t matter whether you stand with the donkeys or the elephants, our country is murdering its children and destroying millions of women’s lives in the process.
I support life, yes of course the life of the unborn children who cannot defend themselves.  But I also support life, the other victims of Choice, the mothers.  When we are afraid, we seek someone to trust and many of these young women are scared and so they trust the grown-ups around them.  They trust the government and the kind lady at the clinic.  They believe the lie that tomorrow all of this will go away and no one will have to know.
Abortion destroys two lives.  The baby never gets to start its life and the mother’s choice dictates the rest of hers.  If we legalized murder, would that make it acceptable to our soul?  Would we be able to live with ourselves?  If that were true, then why do soldiers who return from war struggle with PTSD?  The horrors of murder destroy their mind and their soul.  Killing, no matter how it is said to be acceptable never will be and those who commit this crime will pay for it within themselves.  It may not be a crime against our laws to murder your child within you, but it is and always will be a crime against humanity, against life and against the One who created life.
I am pro life because I care about women.  I have so many friends who have come to me to share their grief, their pain and the internal destruction caused by their abortions that happened 5-10—20 years ago.  How is this the best choice for them?  A 20 year prison sentence does not sound like we care for our women. 
In this dream, I never defended women or the unborn.  I civilly discussed worldly issues with this candidate, but not once did I even challenge him on his concern for women or accuse him of upholding our choice to murder our children.  Forgive me, Jesus for my silence.  Even though it was only my dream, I awoke wondering how many other times I’ve remained silent when I should have spoken up. 
Regardless of who takes office, God is still on the throne and it is His policies that I concern myself with the most.  If I seek first His kingdom and follow first His policies, all other things will be given.  My leader, Jesus is against murder and He is against the destruction of women’s lives through glossy lies and the smoke and mirrors of the media.  If I agree with every other policy of a candidate, but he is against life, then I am against him.  Jesus says we are either with Him or against Him.  Forgive me Lord for ever hesitating about whose side I am on.  I choose life.  I choose women.  I choose Christ. 
Vote life….for all of us.

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