Friday, January 6, 2012

power of gratitude

Why is it so hard for us to be thankful? Why do we spend our days focused on all that we don't have instead of all that we do? We can choose gratitude, you know.  Every research study confirms that grateful people are happier, healthier and more productive people. Grateful people....
 Make progress towards important personal goals (Emmons and McCullough, 2003)
 Report higher levels of determination and energy (Emmons and McCullough, 2003)

Isn't it so true though?  Even when we feel so low and so lost and like we've failed at everything....there are still blessings when we choose to see them.  Why not focus there? 

Last year I read a powerful book by Ann Voskamp titled 1000 Gifts.  It's changed my life because reading it prompted me to act on something I already knew to be true.  Her words gave me momentum to change my perspective and encouraged me to implement a different way of thinking and feeling.  Two years ago I published my book Living Intentionally: 10 steps to a more purposeful life. Even after writing my own thoughts about this, it was Ann's writing that made such an impact on me!

I've read hundreds of books, articles, emails and essays that support the idea that keeping a gratitude journal changes your life.  I guess I'm a slow learner.  It only took 20 years for me to realize, "ohhhh, you mean I should write down daily in a journal all of the gifts in my life that I am grateful for?" 
See, I told you I'm a slow learner. 
Perhaps I'm just more ready to receive it now.

'God only gives us as much as we can handle.'  That phrase is often used to describe hard or difficult times.  Well....what if God only gives us as much blessing as we can handle too?  What if we realize that in order to receive, we must be willing to receive and acknowledge those gifts?

I know at some point I have said to my children in one way or another, "why would I give you anything else until you can learn to appreciate all that you already have?" *ahem*
Are you ready to hear the message?  Don't take 20 years like me!
"When the student is ready, the teacher appears." (Buddhist proverb)
When we are ready to receive more....more information, more knowledge, more abundance...when we are ready, we find the answers are already here. 

Today's suggestion (just in case you missed it) : start a gratitude journal and create the habit of being grateful.

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