Friday, April 11, 2014

Feeling Burdened?

Has anyone been feeling overwhelmed? Burdened by the challenges of life? It may just be me, but I doubt it. Many of you have read my books and know that I have always talked about creating a schedule of priorities so that the most important things are never at the mercy of the least important things.
Well, over the past few months, I have walked away from that.
It was subtle at first.  I decided that I didn't want to go to mass during the week.  I could just stay home to read and journal; but then I didn't. The praise music radio station began playing the same 4 songs over and over, so I turned the dial and never turned it back.  I taught a bible study last fall, so I did not attend the one offered at my church.  Mine ended in December, but I chose not to return to the group study this spring.  I typically read 6-8 books a month.  I've read one since Christmas and it was A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway.  A great book, but not spiritually enriching.
I have been spiraling, lost in wave after wave of discouragement, disillusionment and despair. The challenges that my family are facing in our life right now are enormous and numerous.  I invest hour after hour every day trying to solve these problems and with no success.  What are we going to do?
Yesterday, two dear friends reminded me of who I am and challenged my recent choices.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

How could I possibly think that I would ever be able to find my way out of this place on my own?  I know better. I know that without my Source of strength and his grace, I can only stumble. 

I am grateful, Lord that I am NOT God

I am not God and I am not responsible for solving all of the problems.  I am responsible for keeping my eyes on Him and trusting that He, who is able is working out all things for good. 

"Perhaps, in my apparent failures, God is working out a success for himself.  Perhaps by my falling down, missing the mark, or disappointing others I am exactly where God wills me to be.  Lord, I ask that you will help me to view my success and failure through the lens of eternity and not merely my limited human awareness.  Use my every effort to build Your kingdom and please give me the grace to believe that sometimes, even my failures are part of the master plan."

Have you walked away from Him?  Have you started taking your life into your own hands and attempting to figure it all out? If you are feeling overwhelmed, I encourage you to ask yourself these questions and return to Him, the source of all hope.

"I am grateful because the Spirit that calls me every moment and especially every morning keeps calling even when I don't come.  He keeps wooing, keeps asking, keeps tempting me with himself.  He allows my safety nets, my temporal securities to waver and crumble because of his deep love for me.  He knows that he is the only One that can sustain me and keep me safe.  His love allows my false cornerstones to crack and shift so that I am reminded that there is only one true foundation."

You are not alone.  You are not responsible for everything. Do your work, allow others to do theirs and most importantly, let God do His...He is much more able and certainly more knowledgeable.  "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)